March Featured Drinks
March Featured Drinks

Punch Cards
Punch Cards that can be used at Go Set Ready Coffee

Swift County RDA News Article
Check out a recent article that the Swift County RDA published after we filled out a questionaire about our business. We have to thank...

Go Set Ready Coffee Year One
August 1st marks our one year anniversary being open. First we want to thank God for steering us in the direction He wants Go Set Ready...

Go Set Ready Coffee's Roasting Basics
Coffee Roasting Basics
On-line ordering for pickup at our shop
We had a customer tell us that it would be great to be able to order her drinks ahead of time on-line to and be able to pick it up at a...

Summer Drinks at Go Set Ready Coffee
It has been way to long since we have written a blog and thought it would be a great time to say hi and hope you are all enjoying your...

Sales That Only God Can Do
The last two posts we told you about how God directed us to roasting coffee and how God answered an exact prayer. Now we are going to...

Go Set Ready Coffee's History Part 1
Our store has not opened yet, but there is a lot of history to how we got to today. About two years ago our coffee journey started. Our...